Alpha and Omega (2010) is a comedy kids-animation film in direction of Anthony Bell and Ben Gluck and by distribution of Lionsgate Films. The film star voice led by Justin Long for Humphrey, Hayden Panettiere for Kate and Christina Ricci for Lilly. With other voices like Danny Glover, Dennis Hopper, Larry Miller, Eric Price and Chris Carmack. Alpha and Omega will be release on September 17, 2010 in 3D in selected theaters.
In the movie Alpha and Omega (2010) is the story of two wolves living in Canada's Jasper National Park, Humphrey and Kate. Kate is an Alpha wolf and Humphrey is an Omega wolf. When the two wolves have been sent in Sawtooth National Recreation Area in Idaho, they begin to fall in love with each other. When the two return home their rival wolf packs come to a boil, Humphrey and Kate is the only way to set peace.