For Colored Girls (2010) is a drama film in direction of Tyler Perry and by distribution of Lionsgate. The film led by Janet Jackson as Jo, Thandie Newton as Tangie, Whoopi Goldberg as Alice, Loretta Devine as Juanita, Anika Noni Rose as Yasmine, Kimberly Elise as Crystal, Kerry Washington as Kelly and Phylicia Rashad as Gilda. For Colored Girls is based from winning stage play For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf by Ntozake Shange in 1975. The film is scheduled for wide release on November 5, 2010 in selected theaters.
In the movie For Colored Girls (2010) focus on nine black women Joanna, Tangie, Crystal, Gilda, Kelly, Juanita, Yasmine, Nyla and Alice. These women will experienced love, carelessness, abuse, crime and other issues.