Fair Game (2010) is a drama-thriller biopic film in direction of Doug Liman and by distribution of Summit Entertainment. The film led by Naomi Watts as Valerie Plame and Sean Penn as Joseph Wilson. Also starring Noah Emmerich, Liraz Charchi, Nicholas Sadler and Brooke Smith. Fair Game film based from the memoirs Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House of Valerie Plame. The film will shown on November 5, 2010 wide in selected theaters.
In the movie Fair Game (2010) focus around on the life story of Valerie Plame, an undercover officer of CIA who leads the investigation in reality of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A diplomat Joe Wilson and also her husband investigate the selling of Uranium from Niger that Bush administration ignores the issue. But Joe Wilson wrote op-ed columns about the issue and the issue became controversial.