Faster (2010) is an action-thriller crime film in direction of George Tillman Jr. and distribution of CBS Films. The film led by Dwayne Johnson as "Driver" James Cullen and Billy Bob Thornton as "Cop". Also starring Maggie Grace, Oliver Jackson Cohen, Moon Bloodgood, Carla Gugino and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Faster will shown in selected theaters wide on November 24, 2010.
In the movie Faster (2010) focus around on a man known as Driver who has been imprisoned for 10 years. Finally Driver was set free and planning to revenge his brothers death. Drive has the target, a veteran police to be known as Cop and young egocentric assassin to be known as Killer. But this two men are hunting also Driver. The do or die started to the list's end and new information came on his brother death. Driver's notice that his list are not complete and his life put in danger.