Tangled (2010) is a musical-animation drama film in direction of Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, by distribution of Walt Disney Pictures. The film led by Mandy Moore as the voice of Rapunzel and Zachary Levi for Flynn Rider. Also starring the voices of Donna Murphy, Brad Garrett, Jeffrey Tambor and M.C. Gainey. Tangled film, based on the German folk tale Rapunzel of Brothers Grimm. The film will shown on November 24, 2010 wide in selected theaters in 3D.
In the movie Tangled (2010) focus around on a beautiful woman who has seventy feet long, golden and magical hair, Rapunzel. She was locked for years and wants to escape in the tower. One day Flynn Rider, a handsome thief who tries to reach up the tower where Rapunzel stays. Rapunzel deals with Flynn to help her out of the tower.