The Eagle (2011) is an action-drama film in direction of Kevin Macdonald and under the distribution of Focus Features. The film led by Channing Tatum as centurion Marcus Aquila and Jamie Bell as Esca. Also starring Mark Strong, Tahar Rahim, Donald Sutherland and Walter van Dyk. The newly action-drama movie The Eagle based on The Eagle of the Ninth, an adventurous historical novel by Rosemary Sutcliff in 1954. The movie will show for wide release in selected theaters on February 11, 2011.
In this latest drama-action movie The Eagle (2011) focus around in AD 140 there's a young Roman centurion named Marcus Aquila makes to reveal the true around the loss of his father Flavius Aquila twenty years ago. Marcus travels to Caledonia with Esca where he must come up against the Pictish tribes to bring back the legion's eagle principle and give back his father's reputation.