The Dilemma (2011) is a comedy-drama film in direction of Ron Howard and by distribution of Universal Pictures. The film led by Vince Vaughn as Ronny Valentine and Kevin James as Nick Backman. Also starring Jennifer Connelly, Winona Ryder and Channing Tatum. The film based on Brian Grazer ideas and written by Allan Loeb. The Dilemma movie will showing wide on January 14, 2011 in selected theaters.
In this comedy dramatic movie The Dilemma (2011) focus around on best buddy Ronny Valentine and Nick Backman. They are bachelors and also business partners in an auto design business. They are attempting a project to make their business to be popular. An unexpected day for Ronny, can't believe when he saw Geneva caught in the act with another man kissing. Ronny finding for answers and agree to tell his best buddy what he caught at the same time working with him to finalize their very important presentation.