The Green Hornet (2011) is an action-superhero crime film in direction of Michel Gondry and under the distribution of Sony Pictures. The film led by Seth Rogen as Britt Reid also known as The Green Hornet and Jay Chou, as Kato. Also starring Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, Edward James Olmos, David Harbour and Tom Wilkinson. The newly film The Green Hornet based in radio program in early 1930's and it is also known in film sequels, a TV series, comic books and other media. The film will open for wide release in selected theaters on January 14, 2011.
In the latest action-superhero movie The Green Hornet (2011) focus around on two guys who will destroy criminals, Britt Reid and Kato. Britt Reid is a rich newspaper publisher and son of the late James Reid, and secretly known as masked superhero The Green Hornet. Kato is known to be the bodyguard of The Green Hornet or simply call his sidekick. They are the superheroes who will fight together against the criminals especially a paranoid Russian criminal, Benjamin Chudnofsky.